Citazione spirituale

Conformation to the death of Christ and the hope of resurrection. An exegetico­theological study of two Corinthians (4, 7­15) and Philippians (3, 7­11)


Byrnes Michael


Copertina di 'Conformation to the death of Christ and the hope of resurrection. An exegetico­theological study of two Corinthians (4, 7­15) and Philippians (3, 7­11)'

EAN 9788876529672

Tipo Libro Titolo Conformation to the death of Christ and the hope of resurrection. An exegetico­theological study of two Corinthians (4, 7­15) and Philippians (3, 7­11) Autore Editore Pontificia Università Gregoriana EAN 9788876529672 Pagine 328 Data 2003 Collana Tesi Gregoriana. Serie teologia
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